
Our West Mill is designated to mix a large variety of beef rations that meet the customer's needs and wants. Bulk creep feed storage gives us the capability to deliver to your feeders without a long wait time. Contact the office with any feed need or questions

Products and Services:


Nutritional questions can be addressed in house at Craig Coop by our beef nutritionist. If we can’t answer your questions to your satisfaction, we will use our resources to get the proper answer.
  • Ration Formulation
  • Projections
  • Closeouts
Total Mix Rations:

We are more than glad to sit down and work through your situation and create a ration that fits. These rations can be large or small. Pickup or delivery are both options.

Creep Feed:

All of our creep feeds offered are kept in bulk overheads giving us the capability to deliver with short notice. Craig keeps a competitive edge by providing creep feed bookings. Contact the feed department to be apart of the lowest priced creep.
  • 14% Creep on Hand:
    • Bovatec
    • Aureomycin/Bovatec
Quality Liquid Feeds (QLF):

QLF is an effective and convenient way to supply your beef animal with the supplement they need. QLF has the capability of making a wide variety of customizable liquid feeds that serve as a niche tool to put your herd at their best. QLF is a great fit for both feedlot and cow-calf operations.


Multiple protein and mineral supplements are on hand to cover the needs of multiple species. All products are kept in our new warehouse that is climate controlled to keep the product in the best condition. If the product you want is not in house, we will work with you and the supplier to get that ASAP.


Tubs are another form of convience that will supply your animal with addition nutrition they may have been lacking. Our good variety of tubs will help meet those nutritional demands.
  • Tubs Available:
    • Protein
    • Plain Mineral
    • HiMag Mineral
    • Stress Mineral
    • Fly Control Mineral
    • CowMax Mineral
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